Burning Bush Moments

I was crouched down behind a wall in an orphanage in a little village in El Salvador, waiting for the right moment… When I popped out from behind the wall, a pair of giant brown eyes stared back at me, then the tiny boy they belonged to giggled and raced back to hide again.

This little boy and I played hide and seek longer than I ever have before or since, but he just couldn’t get enough. He giggled and giggled, dashing back and forth, and when I would start to lose interest, he would beckon me back, always ready to play some more.

All day long, my sister, our missionary friend, and I served this sweet little guy, and dozens others like him, food and drinks. We shared laughs at each others broken attempts at language, we cheered for our favorite soccer teams, and we practiced our Cinderella princess waves.

The hours I spent in that orphanage were some of the hardest on my heart, and it was there I truly discovered a passion for others, especially children without homes or families. Even the children who do have living parents or relatives usually come from broken homes or families destroyed by gang violence. This is not only a problem in El Salvador – this is happening globally. It is because of these children and the millions of others like them that I have decided to commit my next chapter of life to the Boaz Project, an organization dedicated to helping orphanages around the world speak life into a new generation.

Going into this process of raising awareness and partnerships, I had several “burning bush” moments, as I’ve started calling them. Basically, my prayers consisted of “Are you sure?” and “I can’t do that,” to which God continually responded, “Yes” and “I know, but I can.” I’ve read the story of Moses a million times, heard it taught over and over again in Sunday school, but never before had i felt the story touch me as deeply as it has lately. Moses protested again and again, but God reminded him of who He is, just as He’s reminding me.

The orphans of the world are not in my little, insignificant hands – they are held ever more lovingly by the one who created them. He is calling us to action in support of those who cannot support themselves – my little peekaboo boy and the millions like him. My prayer is that today you could be connected with the opportunity to allow this ministry at The Boaz Project to be your hands and feet in this orphan crisis. Make this your ministry. Volunteer at one of our events, commit to financially supporting our work, decide on a block of time every week to devote to prayer for this issue. Thank you in advance for your continued support and prayer.

If you have any questions about the Boaz Project, you can find more information at their website www.boazproject.org. If you would like to financially support me in my ministry through Boaz, visit www.boazproject.org/meganadams

Please send me an email if you would like to discuss this opportunity further!

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